Jun 4, 2012

How to Learn .NET

Quite probable that every readers gone ask how to learn .NET-Answer to this question is to refer to suitable books and ask export, keep coding.

Books for .NET
Truly, there is no such a book that suits every one, so I am now in a difficulty to find the suitable book. Fortunately, I find this good writing about top 10 .NET books: http://dotnet.dzone.com/articles/dzones-top-10-net-books.

Export for .NET 

The same that no one could be an export to all .NET technology, so here export means several online help available for every one.
1. Of course: MSDN this is a gather place for every .NET lovers. Feel free to seek help.
2. My favorite: Codeproject. The home for any developer/programmer. Some of the resource I used here is stolen from codeproject. But promise don't tell them.  LOL.


There had never been a somebody that came to be a export for any programming language.  So keep coding, error cames, ask export and then keep on.

That is what in my mind  the moment. Whenever I recall some missing, I will came back and add on secretly.

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